- Aerospace Purchasing
- Aerospace Software Developments
- Aerospace Tooling
- Aerospace Unlimited
- Aerospace Valley
- Aerospec Technologies
- Aerosphere Cluster
- Aerospike
- Aerospline
- Aerosport Modeling and Design
- Aerostar Airport Holdings
- Aerostar Industry
- Aerostar International
- Aerostarter
- AerostarTV
- AeroState
- Aeroster
- Aerosystems International
- Aerotactix
- Aerotain
- AeroTargets International
- Aerotec Concept
- Aerotech
- AeroTekniikka
- Aerotenna
- AeroTerrascan
- Aerotestra
- AeroTools-UAV
- Aerotrack Systems
- Aerovance
- Aerovel
- AeroVelo
- Aerovinci
- AeroVironment
- AeroVision Canada
- Aerovision SouthAfrica
- Aeroxo
- Aerpio Pharmaceuticals
- AerSale Holdings
- Aerse
- AerServ
- Aerstream
- AERTFoundation
- Aertv
- Aerva
- Aerwave
- Aeryon Labs
- Aerys
- AES Eletropaulo
- AES Energy Storage
- AES Gener
- AES Lighting Group
- AES Technologies
- Aescap Venture
- Aeshen
- Aesica Pharmaceuticals
- AESign Evertrust
- AESio
- AesMD
- aeSolutions
- Aesquares Technologies
- AesRx
- Aessense Holding
- Aesthetic Element
- Aesthetic Integration
- Aesthology
- Aestiva Software
- Aesys
- Aet
- AET Holdings
- AET-Aviation
- Aetelinc (Droppy)
- Aeterna Studios
- AEterna Zentaris
- Aeternity
- AeternusLED
- Aether
- Aether Capital
- Aether Consulting
- Aether Systems
- AetherPal
- AetherStore
- AetherWorks
- Aetho
- Aethon
- Aethon - MedEx Product Line
- Aethra Technologies
- Aethur Interactive
- Aetilius
- Aetion
- Aetna & Humana - Medicare Advantage
- Aetna - Life Disability Business
- Aetna Government Health Plans
- Aetna Life and Casualty Co
- Aetonix
- Aetos Group