• 2013

Company Description

aeternusLED manufactures and supplies LED luminaries and interior lighting systems for commercial and industrial applications.

Welcome to aeternusLED brand of Solid State Lighting (SSL). They are excited about launching the most advanced interior LED systems in the world. The aeternusLED lights are dimmable and have consistently attained efficiency greater than 98 lumens per watt. Due to the technical specifications on the Troffers, all Troffers are expected to attain the same certifications upon completed testing. aeternusLED has designed the world’s most advanced customizable LED lighting system to replace standard incandescent high bay and office space fluorescent tube lighting which are ideal for industrial and commercial settings. AeternusLED products have been certified to provide an industry best lumen per watt ratio, and is independently certified to be the longest lasting lighting system currently on the market at >140,000 hours. AeternusLED products will be sold with our 10 Year Manufacturer’s Warranty.