• 2006 August 01

Company Description

AggData provides usable, portable databases of information extracted from across the web.

AggData is short for 'aggregate data'; the site provides usable, portable databases of information extracted from across the web. Specializing in location based information, such as complete geocoded lists of retail chain locations, the quality of the data is assured by extracting from original, first-hand online sources, rather than re-tooling third-party databases. AggData was started in 2006 as a side project of the founder, Chris Hathaway, to try and address a need discovered through his work and study in data extraction. The World Wide Web, while comprehensive and full of valuable information, often lacks organization and portability, siloing data into closed proprietary systems. While this aspect of the Internet can be credited for its massive exponential growth, it is also to blame for its biggest weakness: the inability to find what you're looking for. The goal of AggData is to play a small part in making this sought-out data more accessible, portable and reliable. That small side project in 2006 is now a company of 22 employees, with over 3000 lists, continuously growing month after month. Aggdata is a virtual company with the tools, resources, and flexibility to handle data extraction and collection projects large and small, and has provided valuable services to many large corporations, including Petco, Starbucks, and Morgan Stanley.