Company Description
9ZillA is an online sealed bid, silent auction, and classified ad site.
9ZillA is an Online Sealed Bid Silent AuctionZ. The core of 9ZillA is the number '9'' as in 9 cents. 1 Ticket=9 cents. You will use TicketZ to Bid in 9ZillA's AuctionZ. So, signup today, and purchase one of our affordable Ticket packages, and start bidding in our AuctionZ. From Gift Cards to Electronics, and plenty in between, 9ZillA has something for everyone. https://9zilla.com/SignUp.php Ok, that's great and all, but what sets you apart. Why should I try you out? Well, first, it's absolutely free to signup at https://www.9zilla.com in fact, we give you a free Bid in our AuctionZ just for signing up. Now, what set us apart, we have that covered too. Also, visit & Like our Facebook page @ http://www.Facebook.com/9ZillA to enter our Weekly Sweepstakes for 50 TicketZ to Bid in our AuctionZ. You can also follow us on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/9ZillA Check out the great deals going @ 9ZillA.com, here, on our Winner's page https://www.9zilla.com/winners.php And don't forget to try out our AuctionZ absolutely FREE, here, @ 9ZillA 101 https://www.9zilla.com/testauction.php WHAT SETS OUR AUCTIONZ APART • IT'S SIMPLE!- 9ZillA's AuctionZ are very simple. The highest bid wins. That's it! Not the last bidder, but the highest bidder! • EXCLUSIVE AUCTIONZ- We limit the number of people & BidZ in EVERY Auction. In most of our AuctionZ, there will only be 99 BidZ or fewer, with each person potentially having the opportunity to purchase up to 5 BidZ. • LESS COMPETITION/LOWER RISK- In 9ZillA's AuctionZ, you will not be competing against hundreds or even thousands of other people and BidZ. You have a much better chance of winning with us compared to other Auction sites. • LESS EXPENSIVE- Along with giving you a better, more increased chance of winning compared to other Auction sites, 9ZillA's AuctionZ are less expensive. With some BidZ starting at only 99 cents, you won't be out of tens or even hundreds of dollars like other Auction sites. • 9ZILLA WON'T TOLERATE, OR ENCOURAGE POWER BIDDERS- Power Bidding is highly discouraged. This is not in the spirit of why 9ZillA was founded, and 9ZillA does have plans in place if this does become a problem. Please see our RuleZ page for further details about how we plan to combat Power Bidders. • GREAT VARIETY OF ITEMS TO BID ON- From Gift Cards to Electronics, Sports & Outdoors to Home & Garden, 9ZillA has something for everyone. Always brand new, named brand merchandise in our AuctionZ. • REWARDS FOR THE 2ND AND 3RD HIGHEST BIDZ- It's not just the highest bid that wins at 9ZillA, because we also reward the 2nd and 3rd highest bid in the form of ZillA BuckZ. The 2nd highest bid receives 2% of the value of the item being auctioned, and 3rd place receives 1%. • FREE SHIPPING- 9ZillA offers Free Shipping on all items!
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