2013 September 01
Company Description
Eventbrite for academic conferences
99Scholars is an event platform for academic researchers with social networking elements. Academic organizations always find it hard to promote their conferences and seminars to a wider audience. Most of the time they do not have enough participants joining their events as speakers or audiences. At the same time, they spent a lot of time and human resources on handling the logistics, registration and financial matter. Our platform aims to foster academic collaboration and help conference organizers to spend less effort and have more participants attending their events. Moreover, we will provide a payment gateway for conference attendees to register through our platform. Presenters can post videos, photos and related files in their seminar page. Audience can save the events in their personalized calendar and they can post questions related to the presentation topic. There is also an attendee list where participants can see who else are going to the conference as well as their academic profile, so there are more motivations for them to attend those events if they know that some famous researchers are attending those events as well.
Media and Entertainment -
September 1, 2013 -
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We recognize our sponsors starting at $1 per entry.
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