2012 September 01
Company Description
Zipline Green's Oasis Smart Guideway is the world's most intelligent transit guideway providing low carbon transport and infrastructure.
Zipline Green offers the world's most intelligent transit guideway, employing the world's most efficient monorail technology, with a flexible array of infrastructure options to carry our communities into the 21st century. Powered entirely by the sun. For the past eight years, we have self-funded the research, case studies and patenting processes. Our patent applications were filed in the US and with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in December 2013. In May 2014, we received notice that we have passed our first test: WIPO found over 20 aspects of our invention to be unique and patentable, and in September 2017, we will receive our patent! Last year, Zipline Green, Inc. and Urbanaut inked a joint venture deal to complete one project. Then, based on the results, we would look at whether to continue the relationship. As part of this Joint Venture, Urbanaut is bringing their contacts to fund a potential project and Zipline Green is bringing our contacts for building said project. We are currently looking at a project in Central Florida (USA).
Information Technology -
September 1, 2012 -
Company Website:
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Company Address:
2640 N Lakemont AvenueWinter Park, FLUnited States -
- Peter H. Diebel
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