2010 April 01
Company Description
Emerging Payments Switch Provider
Zeptoo is the world's most dynamic emerging payment switch, empowering financial institutions in developing countries to create alternative payment networks for their merchants and end users. Designed to facilitate attractive payment alternatives for the unbanked and underbanked, Zeptoo's branchless banking and mobile payments solutions were designed from the ground up for rapid deployment, high performance, and easy customization. Zeptoo allows financial institutions to create mobile financial solutions that are customized to address the unique financial, regulatory and market conditions found in their regions. A secure and scalable alternative to the traditional payment networks, Zeptoo's platform is used by companies around the world to cost-effectively deploy alternative payment rails, allow their merchant networks to avoid the high cost of credit card transactions, and take advantage of new payment methods.
Financial Services -
April 1, 2010 -
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Company Address:
1940 San Antonio AveBerkeley, CAUnited States -
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