2015 July 22
Company Description
App that keeps you up to date with what’s happening around you, no Internet required.
Zeene is a mobile app that allows you to be up to date with events happening nearby. No matter if you’re at the city center, festival or doing business at a conference. It uses Bluetooth technology which makes it independent of WiFi and cellular data plans. All the information that you see is created in your local area by other users. With the current massive amount of information everywhere, it is difficult to find out about things that are happening around them, in their local area. With Zeene, users can find out about events that are happening nearby , in real-time and without the need of an Internet connection. Users can also support their local community by sharing their observations or inspiring others with their ideas. Just send a photo or post a text message and tag it with one of the three flags: inspire, discover or entertain. The message will then reach all the users of the application around you who have Bluetooth or WiFi enabled on their phones. Their phones will automatically forward the message further, creating a local network. Users can also like posts, thus extending their lifespan. Thanks to Zeene you can find out about local events and opportunities. Zeene is your local guide to inspiration, entertainment and discovery around you, all without the need of an Internet connection! See what the burgers look like at the retaurant you pass everyday, share information about a new shake flavour at your favourite cafe, discover that 2 blocks away you can rent a vintage bike and inspire others with an idea for a Friday night out by posting a poster for a local stand-up comedy show.
Internet -
July 22, 2015 -
Zuza Kulej -
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Company Address:
Hubraum, ul. Przemyslowa 12KrakowPoland -
- Zuza Kulej
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