2000 December 20
Company Description
UbiEst focuses on the development and supply of technology solutions and location-based applications.
UbiEst S.p.A. provides location solutions: interactive maps, navigation, location based services and geodemographic market analysis (geomarketing) on Internet and mobile connections for Business and Consumer markets. UbiEst mapping services help leading companies meet informative and marketing requirements in terms of location, routing and proximity of geographic assets, road navigation market and positioning benchmarking. UbiEst offers ready-to-use products for web mapping, CRM/Call Center applications, fleet management, off-board navigation, geomarketing and other front-end applications. Our business solutions deliver geographic support onto corporate processes and functions like Strategic Planning, Marketing, Sales, CRM, Logistics and Communication. Success Cases for leading italian Industry and Services organizations place UbiEst as a preffered technology partner for the development of vertical industry solutions tailored on specific challenges and needs.
Data and Analytics -
December 20, 2000 -
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via Enrico Reginato, 85/HTrevisoItaly -
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