• 2016 March 15

Company Description

Triple-E Is an IT Soulotion company, right now we are working on the first Social Platfrom base on AR

Triple-E is the first Augmented Reality Platform that combines the last achievements of AR & VR technologies. The platform allows everyone to create, view and share their own augmented reality experience. We are providing a complete tool and space for service providers or product owners to visualize anything they want as an augmented reality on any surface they want (printed materials or packaging), and also a platform for everyone as a regular user to have some fun, explore more than it's possible now. Check the following link to see some examples where Triple-E can be an incredible tool for everyone who wants to create an awesome content: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFJw6U1pGVB_6VTcCH1yFfA