Company Description

Early detection for Crohn's Disease

VariAD developed a unique patent-pending test to detect pre-disposition for Crohn’s Disease. The test, code named – deNoVA, analyzes the genetic makeup of the patient and determines the likelihood of the patient to develop Crohn’s as well as the severity level of the pre-disposition. Since this is a genetic test, samples are extracted from the patient through a simple, non-invasive procedure. Evaluated by an independent panel using clinical data, the deNoVa tool demonstrated high-accuracy, correctly identifying 96% of Crohn's patients based on their genome data alone.

  • Manufacturer:

    Science and Engineering
  • Founders:

    Yana Bromberg
  • Company Website:

  • Company E-mail:

  • Company Address:

    7 World Trade Center, 46 floor
    New York, NY
    United States
  • CEO:

    • Yana Bromberg
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