2009 July 01
Company Description
Anhul Opensource Software is a provider of outsourced mobile application and social media creation.
Anhui Opensource Software(Anhui OSS) Inc was established July 2009 in Anhui China. Anhui OSS has the strengths in social media and mobile area, and we have defined that our mission is “Truly connect the world by social media”. This first outcome is the Weibo style enterprise networking system 'Crowdroid for Business(CFB)'. Anhui OSS has mainly provided this to the international companies and the companies who have the branch at oversea. In a word, the purpose of CFB is 'make your business more smart', and actually CFB also has a lot of useful feature for business other than this translation feature. Anhui OSS now has focused to provide the B2B solution, but we will expand this area to B2C or educational fields in the future to totally realize our mission. More information... http://www.anhuioss.com/en/index.html
Internet -
July 1, 2009 -
Takamitsu Nakao -
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Company Address:
Room402, Ma'anshan Software Park, No.798 Huolishan Road, AnhuiMaanshanChina -
- Takamitsu Nakao
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