• 1995

Company Description

American HealthTech is your Ultimate Connectivity Partner, empowering skilled care providers with Answers, Alliances, and Access to

American HealthTech is your Ultimate Connectivity Partner, empowering skilled care providers with Answers, Alliances, and Access to optimize clinical and financial outcomes. • Answers. Enjoy lifetime benefits with software, experts, education, and personalized solutions that helps accelerate value for decades. • Access. Leverage your data and take financial and clinical outcomes to unprecedented heights. • Alliances. Connect to the healthcare continuum to complete health records and tightly coordinate care. When you engage our team, you'll feel the connection immediately. It’s about the strategic value of a relationship from day one, as we help you free hands to care for others. Specialties Clinical Management, Financial Accounting, Resident Accounting, Enterprise Management, EMR (Electronic Medical Records), Post-Acute Care Management Systems