2014 February 25
Company Description
New-age work platform. Reinventing the way modern teams work.
Zapty provides everything you need to be on top of your work, be it personal or social or with teams and projects at work. It essentially flips traditional work management on its head by putting conversations at the center of work to naturally and seamlessly discover, collaborate and manage work. At the most rudimentary level, imagine, 'WhatsApp' with accountability and workflow. Zapty is not only a great personal to-do but also a fun tool for communication, project tracking and planning combined with very simple intuitive workflow capabilities. The to-do provides one single source of everything you have to do to effectively organize your work, projects, personal and extended social life. The uncluttered simple list can be continuously used for planning and staying organized. In addition, there is a simple “WhatsApp” like conversation/collaboration platform that allows one to communicate with anyone inside or outside the organization. One can not only send messages, but also request for responses and approvals, schedule meetings, conduct surveys and polls with a capability to even further extend by adding your own simple workflows and additional context. Think of the simplicity of “WhatsApp” that is extended to become highly structured and accountable. The solution also provides a birds eye view on everything that matters to you, be it your personal to-dos, people you are dependent upon and those that depend on you, your family and your projects. It also allows planning around more sophisticated projects, sharing and managing documents, and tracking completion of the projects. With the growing popularity of mobile devices, Zapty is designed to provide a seamless multi-screen responsive user experience for simultaneous and synchronous usage of devices while getting your work done. This design allows one to switch devices based on context and situation without having to stop any conversation or work while you are online or offline. In short, it revolutionizes how individuals and businesses perform work by collaborative decision making to eliminate everyday chaos and unnecessary noise, introduce standardized work practices and create transparency, thus dramatically increasing the pace at which work gets done.
Software -
February 25, 2014 -
Sanjay Shah -
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2443 Fillmore St., # 380-8725San Francisco, CAUnited States -
- Sanjay Shah
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