2011 May 01
Company Description
Zaizher.im is a location-based social communication application.
Zaizher.im is China's leading mobile, location-based business networking app. A mix of Who's Here, LinkedIn and BranchOut, Zaizher.im allows users to immediately view professional profiles of those around them and swap digital business cards with people of interest. Login with Sina Weibo (China's Twitter) and Zaizher immediately pulls in your Weibo profile information, including profile photo, tags, introduction, fans, tweets and verification information, filling out your personal business card. When users find someone of interest they can swap business cards and then chat online. To help users quickly find people of interest Zaizher offers a Filter/Search function and Events section. Through the Filter function users can filter by distance and industry, and will be able to filter by city, tags, titles, companies and other information in the future. In the future Zaizher will analyze user data to provide customized recommendations, allowing users to quickly connect with people they are most interested in. Events provides users with a list of upcoming business events going on around the country. Users can view recommended events and register to attend directly through Zaizher. Once inside users can see who else will be/is/has attending/ed. These are saved permanently so that whenever users want to find someone they can go back and open the event and search for them. Zaizher has also developed a event promotion platform similar to EventBrite but focused on providing event organizers a mobile promotion and interaction platform. This allows event organizers to push invitations directly to their invitees phones through push notification and text message. Attendees can then RSVP/register through text, mobile web, or Zaizher. This event platform enables Zaizher to bring 100% of attendees into the app, regardless of whether or not they are Zaizher users. Non-Zaizher users are notified by text message when they receive business cards through Zaizher. Zaizher is aiming to become the LinkedIn of China. LinkedIn and LinkedIn like clones have not taken off in China for a two major of reasons: 1 - Chinese do not like sharing their contacts. In a country where guanxi is king, the thought of opening up phonebooks for others to see is against Chinese cultural norms. Common contacts is the basis for trust on LinkedIn without this data it is very difficult for LinkedIn to operate. 2 - Chinese value face-to-face communication over online communication. The average Chinese business person is always on the road, from one meeting to the next, there has very little time to spend in front of a PC. Zaizher's model is uniquely Chinese in two ways: 1- Mobile/location based service allows users to quickly setup face-to-face meetings. When users see other interesting users close by they can immediately setup a time to meet for coffee or lunch. 2- Zaizher relies on open information in existing networks to generate trust between users, similar to how BranchOut users Facebook. 'Friends' collected on Zaizher are completely private. 3- Zaizher's app provides a drastically simplified professional networking experience, that is accessible to the generation of working class that did not grow up with computers (Chinese aged 30+). Zaizher focuses on the most basic aspect, connecting users with other people of interest. Zaizher is currently the leading mobile professional network in China. Launched in Beta on August 20th and has quickly accumulated over 20,000 users without any promotion.
Internet -
May 1, 2011 -
Robert Hsiung -
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501-A Ocean Express, 66 XiaguangliBeijingChina -
- Robert Hsiung
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