2007 November 14
Company Description
Yoursoft is a software firm which provides and develop software as a service and social networking sites.
Yoursoft is a Brazilian startup which provides and develop software as a service and social networking sites. Our main product is called SuasVendas - which could be translate to 'YourSales' in English. This product is for Sales Representatives and help them out with Orders, Comissions, CRM, Smart Calendar and so on. SuasVendas.com is only available in Portuguese. Another product we are working on at the moment is Feelinq.com. Feelinq.com is a social networking which allow users get to know how their close friends and family are feeling, in real-time. Feelinq.com is currently in beta version.
Software -
November 14, 2007 -
Vitor Nogueira -
Company Website:
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Company Address:
Rua Elpídio Luiz Brandão, 243,, Salas 1 e 2, Centro - CEPInhumas -Brazil -
- Vitor Nogueira
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