2015 October 06
Company Description
News aggregator/social media site. We all need to get 'Back to conversations.'
There is a growing discontent with current social media offerings. Are they truly social? Are you getting anything out of your interactions? Growing? Learning? Communicating? Let's 'face' it, true communication requires seeing and hearing another human being, picking up on social cues, hearing the passion in their voice, getting to know who they really are. This is not happening on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. This can be achieved using video chat, and combining it with a myriad of articles through Youcerto's news aggregator. Give people something to talk about. I am looking for a partner, a co-founder, someone to join me and help build a unique video chat website, www.youcerto.com
Information Technology -
October 6, 2015 -
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New York, NYUnited States -
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