2010 March 07
Company Description
XetoWare is a provider of both free and commercial software and services for all sorts of purposes.
While writing and designing personalizable and user-friendly software, XetoWare provides both free and commercial software and services for all sorts of purposes. Software such as FLV Player, can be downloaded for free, along with Password Generator, IP Finders, Windows Hacker and much more. XetoWare also provides commercial services such as an amazing Hotkey Utility and a File Shredder, extending the functionality of Windows. Finally, to top it off, XetoWare's service, including an anonymous email sender and various web proxies, are available on the go! They also own a blog, discussing common computer issues, such as computer lag, and their solutions. Check out XetoWare today!
Media and Entertainment -
March 7, 2010 -
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