• 2016 March 24

Company Description

Writally helps businesses transform their expertise into quality marketing content in half the time

Writally helps organizations and businesses transform their knowledge workers’ expertise into high-quality, thought-leading marketing content, in half the time and at less cost to the business. Companies need thought-leading, compelling content that stands out in this age of information overload and to do that effectively, they need to empower knowledge workers to create this content. The problem is, it takes a long time to create quality marketing content such as blog posts, emails, podcasts, and social media posts. The average marketer, who is over-stretched already due to increasing demand for content, spends between 3 to 6 hours creating a quality blog post (not including expert interviews), & for knowledge workers who aren’t used to creating customer-facing content, it can take even longer. If a knowledge worker spent just 6 hours a week creating content, that would be $12k a year per employee cost to the company (based on a $80K a year salary). Writally solves this problem by providing knowledge workers with content recipes. A recipe is a structural framework customized by purpose, style and voice. All the writer has to do is fill in a simple online questionnaire on our app, and a blog post recipe that is specifically tailored to their needs is created and delivered to their dashboard. Writers no longer have to think about how to write a blog post. It’s all laid out for them. They just write their content and follow the recipe step-by-step.