• 2012

Company Description

WigWag empowers experience. We stand for openness, customization and simplicity in designing your living environment.

WigWag empowers experience. We stand for openness, customization and simplicity in designing your living environment. We invite hardware and software innovators to join us as we reduce complexity and foster the freedom to create. WigWag simplifies smart environments by integrating sensors, smart devices and Internet services. Setup is easy, no programming is necessary and computing power is local which means fast. Users can add devices and services as they want without problems. WigWag won't hold you back if you're constantly on the hunt for innovative technology. The WigWag mobile & web apps provide integrated control at your finger tips. Easily build when-this, then-that, rules to make an environment dynamic. Original Kickstarter: http://kck.st/RyfJ8Z