• 1962

Company Description

The West County Chamber is the primary business resource and advocate as the area surrounding Ft. Meade.

What's happening in West Anne Arundel County? What isn't! Home of Ft. Meade growth, the U.S. Cyber Command headquarters, NSA expansion, the Odenton Town Center, great business connections, terrific school-business partnerships, and more! Whether your goal is networking, business expansion, information, or local advocacy, the West County Chamber is your partner for growth. The West County Chamber continues to expand their programs in an effort to meet the needs of their members. They have grown to include not only West County businesses but many others with an interest in the NSA expansion, and the U.S. Cyber Command at Ft. Meade. They are lucky to be in the 'growth corridor' not only of Anne Arundel County, but also of Maryland, a fact that will benefit all sectors of the business community in the years to come.