• 2017 January 02

Company Description

WELSIM finite element analysis software helps engineers and researchers conduct simulation studies and prototype virtual products.

WelSimulation LLC (WelSim) is a unique, fully focused, and dedicated simulation technology provider. Founded in the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.A., January of 2017 by innovators, WelSim was born out of a vision to create a company that could successfully combine the disciplines of physics-based simulation, scientific computing, and software production. WelSim has the uncommon advantages of being built by veterans of the scientific computing and finite element analysis community. With over decades of professional experience across academia and industry, we dedicate to transforming innovative thinking and strategic analysis into actionable intelligence for improvement. Our team is comprised of computational scientists, applied mathematicians, engineers, and software developers who use their unique understanding of our distinguished clientele to find the best simulation solutions promptly and superbly. The flagship product - WELSIM, general-purpose engineering simulation software has been released.