• 2012 September 06

Company Description

Collaborative fact check

WeCheck aims to eliminate fact check bias by letting people of all political views create and improve shared fact checks. -- WeCheck lets anyone create Fact Check pages where any political claim can be verified by other WeCheck users, who add and edit information supporting or refuting the claim. Because WeCheck users have diverse political views each claim is examined from many different viewpoints and bias is neutralized by other WeCheck users who add opposing information to the page. Like Wikipedia, information that is poorly-sourced is mercilessly attacked by other WeCheck users. On the other hand, quality information is rewarded by being allowed to remain on the page, creating a positive feedback loop that results in information rich pages about the claim. Once a claim has been thoroughly explored on the Fact Check page, WeCheck users then determine whether the claim is true or false through discussion and consensus and post a result that anyone can read. As more Fact Check pages are added WeCheck will become the authoritative source of unbiased fact check information.