• 2010 October 22

Company Description

Webshoz develops and offers video preview platforms for digital publishers and advertisers.

We provide a unique low cost way to move video advertisements across the web utilizing standard IAB-size ad units embedded with our proprietary Videobar which includes multiple video ad thumbnails for sneak-peak viewing without a click. This unique delivery system also includes video ad order entry, accounting for insertions as well as payments, and a full scale reporting of activity in the Videobar and the destination landing page when clicked. Our short-term goal is to have our Videobar solution adopted/licensed by online Directories, Search Engines, and e-Commerce websites to increase video ad sales. Our business model includes no-cost integration, free video production, and sales support in exchange for a revenue share. Our long-term goal is to fully integrate the Videobar with existing ad network platforms to allow existing clients to offer a broader reach for their videos outside of their own borders, again sharing in the revenue. The Videobar is designed to lower the cost of advertising by parsing up a typical size IAB-approved ad unit and sharing the cost across multiple advertisers. Our patent-pending Videobar was built on the Placelinks' platform known for its online ad reporting solutions and data-integration. This allows Webshoz to leverage best-of-breed software (in business since 2005) for the Company's integration and delivery needs. Our Videobar has been live collecting mouse-over and click data since March, 2010.