• 1998 March 02

Company Description

Venus Technologies Inc is a USA based company which offers computer and IT related solutions to its clients.

Venus Technologies Inc : - Venus Technologies Inc., set up in 1998 at Bethesda in Maryland, USA, is a well-known name in the U.S. market of SDB technology and management consulting solutions. The achieved an undeniable recognition in the market because of its client centric approach and dedication to provide impeccable solutions to its clients at most competitive prices.   Venus Technologies Inc. offers a complete range of SDB technology and management consulting solutions to its clients. The client list of the company includes the name of many government and private organizations. And most of them are quite satisfied with the services of the company. Program support services, systems/applications development, IT infrastructure support, IT security, and Requirements Analysis and (Independent Verification and Validation) IV&V are amongst some of the services that Venus Technologies Inc. offers.     The founder of the company, Vasant Savsani, works as the managing director of the company. He is the man of practical wisdom. Everyone admires his ability to take on new challenges confidently and take quick but accurate decisions. Vasant Savsani, MD, started the company with a well-planned strategy. He knew this very well that he could not succeed in his plan in the absence of a capable team, so he hired highly sincere and experienced professionals for his team. The team helped him a lot to achieve his dream about his company. Today, Venus Technologies Inc. has more than 25 expert professionals and they all are vet in their respective fields. The professionals don’t leave any stone unturned to provide the best possible solutions to clients.  Want to know more about the company? Visit company’s official website that is http://www.venusinc.com/.