• 2011

Company Description

Vendor Registry is a small company, but big on passion and drive.

They are a small company, but big on passion and drive. They founded Vendor Registry with the simple purpose of making it easier to do business with your state and local governments and institutions. Too much time is spent filling out repetitive paperwork and too little time is spent taking advantage of new revenue opportunities. Businesses, especially local small businesses, need to generate more sales. Governments are forced to do more with less, which means they need more competitive bids. The vendors' and governments' problems are like a hand in glove. By just eliminating repetition (and automating the rest) and replacing paper with a single web-based tool used by both buyers and suppliers, they've created a win win solution. Vendor Registry is focused on creating this win win solution that generates new revenues for vendors and suppliers, saves time for everyone, and decreases costs for government and institutional purchasing departments. After all, they are spending their taxpayer dollars.