• 2008 September 11

Company Description

Velvet Deck is a Unique Range of Designer Collections Straight from the Runway.

Velvet Deck is a multi player multi gaming site that offers risk free sports betting, a female model contest and no limit texas hold'em. There are so many directions this site can go. It takes a lot of simple approaches and appears to be in a league of its own while combining tech concept, playboy style models, facebook style socializing and adding prizes and the opportunity to win cash to the mix. Here's a look on at, Velvet Deck! The Contests all blend together very well and because of that so does ease at winning prizes while competing in them. Velvet Girl of the month is determined in a very Playboy style contest called VOTE'EM where the Players can actually socialize with the contestants while voting for them. VOTE'EM is truly unique and will be a very sticky feature to the site. I can see many people communciating and being excited daily about this because the rankings adjust every few seconds by Votes being sent by Players and voce versa from the model contestants to the guys. Its the first site I have seen where a normal guy can have access to communicate to an array of models this good looking. PICK'EM (RISK FREE SPORTS BETTING) is the next game that will be launched following the launch of VOTE'EM. PICK'EM is also incredibly unique. It fills one of the biggest voids online for men to sports bet in the US legally while still winning prizes without risking any of their own money. There will also be entertainment betting for everyone, I think this will appeal to the girls also, being able to bet on reality TV shows and things of that nature. BOOTY(like pirate booty) is the virtual currency that you will find and be able to purchase on Velvet Deck. You can double your BOOTY wager on any game by picking the winner and on the other end of the spectrum prizes are given out to the Players with the Longest winning streak. There is an overall prize for the Player with the most BOOTY (tracked in the overall leaderboard also) that ranges anywhere from Players choice of courtside tickets to any game, electronic prizes or a trip to the annual Velvet Deck Carribean Party that includes the annual calendar shoot for the Velvet Girls of the previous year. Some pretty amazing prizes out there for a site that has memberships that range from $3.99/mo to $9.99/mo. HOLD'EM will follow the launch of PICK'EM. Its pretty self explanatory, you will be able to compete on the best poker tables online playing No Limit Texas Hold'em against other Players and Velvet Girl Models for BOOTY. Its more the icing on the cake for Velvet Deck. I hear their HOLD'EM room will be as real feeling of an experience as you will find at any poker room online.