• 1998

Company Description

brings together more than 3,000 companies (110,000 jobs), of which 80% are SMEs, active in all economic sectors.

Established in 1898, the Vaud Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CVCI) brings together more than 3,000 companies (110,000 jobs), of which 80% are SMEs, active in all economic sectors. A purely private association, and therefore not subsidized, the CVCI draws its resources from the contributions of its members, from fees paid for certain services and from various mandates it assumes. The CVCI is at the service of its members. It promotes economic, social, environmental, balanced and sustainable development. The CVCI is an interlocutor and spokesperson for companies based on the principles of a market economy. It is the Vaud branch of economiesuisse and the Swiss employers' union. It is also part of the vast national and international network of chambers of commerce and industry (ICC).