• 2005

Company Description

Unspace is a consulting and development team based in Toronto, Canada. They build sophisticated web and mobile applications for clients

Unspace is a consulting and development team based in Toronto, Canada. They build sophisticated web and mobile applications for clients ranging from startups to global institutions. Originally lauded as the original [Ruby on Rails](http://rubyonrails.com/) 'A-Team' (working on client development projects in Rails starting in October 2004) Unspace has continued to invest in the Ruby community. The [Haml](http://haml-lang.com/) template language was created in-house by Hampton Catlin, who also created the [Sass](http://sass-lang.com/) CSS processor. Unspace curated the popular [RubyFringe](http://www.rubyinside.com/rubyfringe-success-and-roundup-956.html) and [FutureRuby](http://futureruby.com/) conferences in addition to organizing two Ruby job fairs. Unspace hosts the long-running monthly [Rails Pub Nite](http://unspace.ca/innovation/pubnite/) event in Toronto, and recently started the [Technologic](http://technologicto.com/) speaker series.