• 1993

Company Description

A global provider of integrated IT and BPO services.

UBICS is a rapidly growing provider of IT professional services to large and mid-sized organizations. UBICS provides its clients with a wide range of professional services in such areas as client/server design and development, ERP package implementation and customization, applications maintenance programming and database administration. UBICS' services are provided on a time-and-materials basis to client-managed projects, with UBICS IT professionals providing integral support as project team members. Since commencement of full operations in 1994, the Company's revenues have grown from $303,000 for 1994 to $9.1 million for 1996 and to $5.1 million for the quarter ended June 30, 1997. The Company attributes its growth in revenues in 1997 primarily to an increased focus on higher value-added services, particularly ERP package implementation and customization services.