• 2009

Company Description

Tycoon Mobile Inc. is a marketing and advertising company that specializes in permission based marketing through mobile channels.

Tycoon Mobile is at the forefront of the digital marketing revolution. The company provides a turnkey, hosted mobile marketing digital messaging platform backed by world-class support and expert digital mobile marketing services. Tycoon Mobile has created the most complete digital marketing solution available, enabling you to reach your customers via, sms messaging, voice messaging, RSS marketing, or a video broadcast from a single provider. Tycoon Mobile is a do-it-yourself database messaging system that enables companies to fully leverage their list of customers, prospects and partners by contacting them in the ways they wish to be reached. We are a specialist in Mobile Coupons, Alerts, Contests and Polls. We have a package for every business no matter the size. We allow any business to connect employees, suppliers and customers anywhere, with any message, across almost any device. With Tycoon Mobile companies can utilize their entire database through a single system, whether sending a broadcast message to all subscribers or a highly targeted message to a select few important contacts.