• 2010 July 01

Company Description

Where to go when Twitter goes down.

TweetAlternative provides a site to use when Twitter goes down: it stores your tweets and posts them for you when Twitter comes back online. When Twitter crashes it can be a frustrating experience. Since Twitter downtime has always been a fairly common occurrence, we created TweetAlternative. If you have a tweet that simply must get posted and you get the Fail Whale on Twitter, simply visit http://www.tweetalternative.com, enter your tweet, and we'll post it for you when Twitter comes back up. That's it. The site integrates directly with Twitter's API so you can use your own Twitter account. When Twitter returns, we will post your tweet under your name using OAUTH, Twitter's official authentication API. NEW - If the API itself is down, then TweetAlternative will retweet your tweet for you when Twitter returns, all we need is your username and tweet and we'll do the rest.