2014 January 13
Company Description
Tutor.NG is a learning platform for tutors to create courses and engage learners remotely.
Tutor.NG is an Online Tutoring Platform providing tools and resources for engaging and teaching learners anytime, anywhere. It provides the technology for tutors to transform any environment into a learning space. Tutor.NG Platform is a robust system that provides everything you need to take your teaching online - a virtual classroom, functionality to create and deliver courses with assessment tools, ability to work with different document formats – doc, pdf, ppt., content sharing features, live interactive sessions and a payment system that helps you monetize your content. This is a welcomed idea as it proffers good solution to illiteracy and will help promote online learning a great deal giving people the opportunity to use their data on more productive things. Students/ learners also have the opportunity to learn anything which will help them understand the class taught courses better. Organizations can save cost on technical infrastructure to conduct online meetings, deliver lectures and training, the platform also provide tools to collaborate from different locations. For organizations, multiple teachers and instructors can log in, schedule, and deliver online classes in real time to unlimited number of students across the world, on your personalized e-learning space. Tutor.NG helps you to monetize what you know and ready to teach. Content owners now have a platform to express their creativity and teach without having to spend so much on IT Infrastructure. Tutor.NG provides guaranteed security and access control to your materials and other contents.
Software -
January 13, 2014 -
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1A Hughes Avenue, Alagomeji, Yaba.LagosNigeria -
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