• 2013 March 15

Company Description

TRUINJECT is a software company focused on the innovation, development & commercialization of medical products for the injectable market.

TRUINJECT is a software company focused on the innovation, development & commercialization of medical products for the injectable market. TRUINJECT technology improves the safety & efficacy of the injectable market by capturing injection data and comprehensive analytics. There is a large and growing need for continuous, hands-on practice of injection techniques to ensure positive, safe outcomes & patient experience. • Passionate female CEO – Established company based on an ethical concern for patient safety • Platform Company with obvious, logical market opportunities beyond aesthetics (applicable to medical injectables like orthopedic joint, migraine management, etc.) • Data play - platform keeps/manages valuable data from each practitioner injection (data can be sold to insurance companies, medical schools and a whole other set of parties) • Clear value proposition for patients, physicians and manufacturers • Strong IP and patent portfolio