• 2007 December 01

Company Description

Tripware is a tool that allows travellers to plan, book and manage travel needs, itinerary and business meetings.

Tripware is a travel tool for business travelers. It allows users to plan, book, and manage all their travel needs and business meetings with one tool, one profile, and one itinerary in one familiar place: their business calendar. Tripware eliminates the need to use multiple tools such as online travel agents, travel search engines, and itinerary consolidators. Tripwareâ€s patent-pending and proprietary technology, dubbed Behavioral Travel Management (BTM), focuses on automating business travel as much as possible by analyzing habitual and repetitive behaviors and employing advanced algorithms against these behaviors. Tripware improves business trip productivity for travelers by incorporating BTMâ€s True Trip Value (TTV). TTV shows time-cost savings and optimal trip options to assist the traveler in making the right travel choices.