• 2000

Company Description

Financial Technology OTC Derivatives

TriOptima, a NEX Group company, is the award-winning provider of OTC derivatives infrastructure services including triReduce and triResolve, and the Global OTC Derivatives Interest Rate Trade Reporting Repository (Rates Repository). triResolve is a network community service for counterparty exposure management for OTC derivatives including portfolio reconciliation and dispute resolution. Used by global dealers, regional banks and buyside firms, triResolve's portfolio reconciliation service currently handles 6 million trades representing over 85% of all non-cleared OTC derivative transactions globally. triReduce, the portfolio compression service for OTC derivative dealers, pioneers technology that eliminates risk and reduces operational and capital costs. Serving over 150 bank and non-bank subscribers worldwide including the major local and global dealers in derivatives, triReduce is a critical tool for maintaining post trade processing efficiency. TriOptima maintains offices in London, New York, Singapore, Stockholm, and Tokyo. Specialties: Operational and credit risk mitigation Early termination and portfolio compression Counterparty exposure management Portfolio reconciliation