• 2004

Company Description

Traxor is an enterprise B2B relationship management system that helps organizations to manage their people to increase sales and customers.

Traxor is people-centric Relationship Management for the Enterprise; an SaaS application that bridges B2B software with the social network. Traxor complements contacts-centric CRM by reflecting that ‘people do business with people’. It enables organizations to understand their B2B customers and markets, not simply as contact names ‘belonging’ to organizations, but as dynamic groupings of people with power and/or influence that interact, relate and influence in different ways. People are ‘related’ (linked in context) to their past and present roles and to each other in meaningful user-defined contexts to provide a single point of truth about any person. ‘Relationship Traction’ quantifies the relationship between two people and by extrapolation between organizations to identify new opportunities (high traction) as well as threats (low traction).