• 2015 September 01

Company Description

TrapTap - A legal handsfree, speed trap indicator with mapped red light cameras/school zones and community mapped radar traps/road hazards.

There are over 230 million drivers in North America, collectively spending $8 billion each year on speeding tickets. With phones being illegal to use while driving, they created a hands free way to warn others to slow down to avoid tickets, creating a safer environment. TrapTap is a community based handsfree indicator that sits on your car dash and flashes red when you come within the proximity of any red light cameras or school zones, and blue for any police radar traps, and dangerous road hazards. They have mapped every red light camera and school zone globally and rely on their community of users (The TrapTap Army) to mark the exact location of police speed traps or road hazards The device also has the option to warn the driver with a green indicator if they surpass the posted speed limit with custom set thresholds.