• 2015

Company Description

Tradesocio offers brokers in the forex market with a cloud-based social trading platform providing information about business opportunities.

TradeSocio, a Fintech company founded in 2015, provides disruptive and innovative solutions to the Financial Industry. Our mission is to provide equal access for all to a wide range of investment opportunities. Our unique technology consists of an investment ecosystem which connects key players from across the financial arena. Investors who join are provided with the right tools and connections to make well informed investment decisions. Brokers and Fund Managers benefit by gaining access to an entirely new market of retail investors. All this is accomplished on a web based application which provides real time data in a social environment. Awards Best Financial StartUp, Next Money FF16, 2016 Best Financial Technology Provider, 16th MENA FFXPO, 2016 To find out more about TradeSocio please visit our website: www.tradesocio.com