• 2016

Company Description

TRADEcho is the london stock exchange group’s real-time pre and post-trade publication service for MiFID II.

TRADEcho is the suite of reporting services hosted and operated by the London Stock Exchange, brought to market in partnership with Simplitium (formerly Boat Services). TRADEcho has been formed in direct response to client feedback for compliant, simplified, cost effective reporting services. With MiFID II on the horizon, the London Stock Exchange and Simplitium chose to combine their strengths to form a team of industry, regulatory and technical experts, bringing together the complementary strengths of Simplitium’s OTC reporting and the London Stock Exchange’s primarily on exchange reporting. Alongside partners in the group, such as UnaVista and MTS they truly are a one-stop shop for pre and post trade reporting. TRADEcho’s services cover all MiFID II asset classes and provide firms with the tools to meet their pre and post-trade transparency obligations, this includes SI Determination, SI Quoting, Smart Report Routing and Trade Publication. TRADEcho will be operated as an Arranged Publication Arrangement (APA) applying relevant deferrals to provide the market with a clear and concise tape of a firms' trades. TRADEcho's APA provides Investment Firms with a mechanism to publish trades they have executed and thereby meet their MiFIR/MiFID II post-trade transparency obligations. Trades will be published across all asset classes in line with the regulatory reporting timeframes. Together with UnaVista: firms can enjoy seamless trade and transaction reporting in one experience; helping ease the regulatory burden for financial firms. Additionally, TRADEcho data flows seamlessly into the UnaVista platform for MiFIR transaction report enrichment and reconciliation. Simplitium was established in 2007 in response to the regulatory pressures introduced when MiFID I was implemented, offering MTFs, SIs and investment firms an easy and cost-efficient way to comply with the new transparency obligations. Since inception, its core technology has been supplied by Cinnober (CINN.ST). In 2014 Cinnober acquired Simplitium. The Cinnober team based in Sweden are providing the core platform for TRADEcho services that will be integrated and hosted by the London Stock Exchange.