Company Description
The Student-to-Student Mobile Bookstore
Trademytextbooks is an online and mobile textbook marketplace that will enable college students to buy and sell their textbooks directly to one another. Students will get paid immediately at the price they set, not what the bookstore is offering. Buyers can find the books they need simply by searching for their upcoming classes, and pay less than the used price at the bookstore. Other benefits include: EASILY PROMOTE BOOKS FOR SALE WITH ONE CLICK VIA SOCIAL MEDIA SEARCH FOR BOOKS BY GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION AND CLASS SCHEDULE PAY LESS THAN THE USED PRICE AT THE BOOKSTORE The technical aspect of TMT will make it physically possible. But the Social and Local Communities that exist across every college campus in the country will make it work. To date, there hasn't been a simple and effective platform for students to conveniently sell and buy textbooks directly to one another.
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- Gary Jindrak
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