• 2010

Company Description

Tow Center for Digital Journalism provides journalists with the skills to technologically change the field of digital journalism.

The Tow Center for Digital Journalism provides journalists with the skills to technologically change the field of digital journalism. It also provides research and develops facilities for the profession as a whole. The Tow Center also oversees the new dual-degree Master of Science Program in Computer Science and Journalism offered in conjunction with Columbia’s Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science. Here, students will receive specialized training in the digital environment, enabling them to develop technical and editorial skills in all aspects of computer-supported news gathering and digital media production.The Tow Foundation supports innovative projects and collaborative ventures where there is a shortage of both public and private funding and opportunities for breakthroughs, reforms, and significant benefits to society. Tow Center for Digital Journalism was founded as a part of Columbia University in 2010 and is based in New York, USA.