Company Description
Spontaneous City Discovery Cultural Tourism
Cultural Tourists report as top frustrations during their visits: 1) discovering that they have missed relevant spots and 2) missing information when a spot is found. TourSnapp vibrates warning the cultural tourist when a relevant spot is nearby and provides information in-situ by just one click. Cultural Tourism is 40% of world tourism, 80% including casual cultural tourism, 5billion visits a year world wide. Thousands of cities with hundreds of thousands of visitors. EU alone more than 100 cities with over 1 Million visits. Competitive advantage: TourSnapp solves unsolved frustrations. Compared to other generic tools it is extremely easy to use since it is focused on cultural tourism. TourSnapp partners with Tourism Information offices which provide the point of sales and the information about the points of interest. Tourist pays when is more willing to do it, at arrival to the tourism office online or on-site to get their problems solved, tourism offices receive a fee. Win-Win-Win.
Mobile -
2015 -
Luis Fernando R obledano Esteban -
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BremerhavenGermany -
- Luis Fernando R obledano Esteban
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