• 2003 July 02

Company Description

TouristWay is a web application to create online reservation sites for the travel industry.

TouristWay is a software platform to create travel portals: a web application to build your catalogue, enter availability, pricing and travel guides. The result is your own-branded mini-Expedia. Travelers relies on large aggregators to find the best deals but small tour operators, who are likely to offer discounted and less conventional vacations, have no specialized tool to present and sell online their packages. Apartments, rooms, transfers, equipment rentals and pretty much any travel product are impossible to handle through general-purpose ecommerce tools. Dealing with conditional discounts, children policies, availability restrictions and other inside tricks require specialized software. Touristway saas includes all features required to run an advanced search and reservation system with a web-based administration interface, access for supplier and travel agents, multiple languages and currencies and travel guides.