• 2011 September 01

Company Description

Easily find jobs, homes and cars

Tothego.com is the new search engine for job opportunities, cars and property in the US. Tothego.com provides a single window into the offers available across a multitude of sites, saving time and energy. One results set contains everything the user needs to know - that is the added value of tothego.com. Tothego is a new company based in Milan, Italy. In 2011 tothego.com is launching in the US and the UK. Later the service will be extended to Europe, Asia and South America. Tothego is focused on three markets: jobs, property and cars. Currently it aggregates more than 3 million listings from the US web. This rich source of information will allow users to find the best deals. Tothego.com has one main strength that distinguishes it from others aggregators in the market. User experience. We designed tothego.com starting from the user. Browsing paths, colours, shapes and buttons are designed to simplify the user experience. They are intended to maximize user satisfaction, building brand loyalty.