• 2013 June 14

Company Description

TLS is a collaborative consortium of military (Special Operations Forces) and senior law enforcement veterans, IDPA, NRA competitive.

TLS is a collaborative consortium of military (Special Operations Forces) and senior law enforcement veterans, IDPA, NRA competitive shooters and firearms collectors. Our members are experienced operators with Research Development, Testing and Evaluation (RDT&E) backgrounds, multiple combat environments and field experiences who have maintained expert weapons qualifications (rifle and pistol) throughout their careers. We are dedicated to providing superiority and survivability to our military, government and law enforcement professionals. Our focus is on life saving equipment to provide tactical superiority of personnel engaged in high stress combat situations. To date TLS has developed, engineered, produced and successfully function tested a prototype which we hope to market as our first innovative product.During initial testing we identified weak areas and performed modifications ensuring a durable, high quality superior item. We are currently seeking investors to assist with continued development and rendering of pre-production models for dissemination to select DoD, military, federal, state and local law enforcement agencies, IDPA competition shooting teams and targeted individual thought-leaders and policy influencers who recognize the potential, can effectively evaluate, field test and endorse this device. TLS plans to reinvest most non-distributed earnings to fund other projects currently in initial design phase, expand its influence and diversify its markets. Upcoming projects seek to further integrate our product, as well as introduce other new products to enhance the capabilities of the modern battle field warrior. It is our long term goal to equip all Federal, State and local Law Enforcement Agencies, United States and NATO armed forces.