Company Description
Striving to be Alaska's best source of news and information, enhancing the lives of Alaskans.
Striving to be Alaska's best source of news and information, enhancing the lives of Alaskans. The paper's first publisher was Norman Brown. On Jan. 13, 1946, Volume 1, Number 1 of his weekly Anchorage News rolled off a Linotype hand-fed press from type set by hand.. The first edition was 16 tabloid-sized pages, which were sold on newsstands and distributed through the post office. There was no home delivery. In May 1948, the News went from weekly to six days a week. The next year the Daily News began publishing Alaska's first Sunday newspaper. In January 1979, McClatchy Newspapers acquired 80 percent ownership of the Daily News. Today the Anchorage Daily News reaches 68% of Southcentral Alaska residents daily, and 73% on Sunday. Total readership is 221,800 daily and 63,851 on Sunday with a circulation of 57,622 daily and 71,233 on Sunday. The Anchorage Daily News publishes current and breaking news to it's website adn.com. The Anchorage Daily News also maintains Alaska.com a complete online travelers guide to Alaska.
Information Technology -
1948 -
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Company Address:
P.O. Box 149001, AnchorageLevelock, AKUnited States -
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