• 2015 December 03

Company Description

Ananas Foundation is building a decentralized world knowledge base powered by ethereum.

The Ananas Foundation is ​a​ ​UK-registered ​charity ​(charity ​no. ​1164664) ​​based ​in ​​London​. Our ​​aim ​​is ​​to ​build ​a​ ​better ​​future, ​​by ​ ​creating​ ​a ​​better​ ​relationship ​between ​modern society and ​​subjective knowledge. In pursuit of this, we designed a private ecosystem, in which the interests of all by our native cryptocurrency, aligning the interests of all parties involved. The core of the ecosystem is a decentralized platform for communities to access, engage with, and collaborate on the wealth of knowledge accumulated. By standardizing all data in three digital formats - Text, Meta-Data, and Knowledge-Graphs - it becomes highly flexible and utilizable, which is improved by both human and artificial efforts. The mission is to create a better society, one that is more resilient to the distorting and misleading effects of ambiguous information - especially regarding sensitive but impactful issues such as morality, identity, and religion. Anacoin acts as a token of value, confers rights in governance, and is used as a stake in contribution and engagement. As the platform and content grows and increases, demand to engage on the platform, and the value of Anacoin, should increase.