2012 December 16
Company Description
This company focuses on the development of software for interpreting LiDAR 3D point cloud data.
This company focuses on the development of software for interpreting LiDAR 3D point cloud data and extracting earth surface objects for applications of building construction and preservation, urban planning, architecture design, transportation facility maintenance, and online 3D mapping. Secondly, this company would also develop the relative low cost and ground based 3D laser scan equipment for various applications. LiDAR stands for “Light Detection and ranging”, and it is a newly developed three dimensional (3D) digital data capturing technology. In practice, LiDAR equipment uses invisible laser beam to scan the geographic features on the earth’s surface. The equipment records the laser pulse reflections at very detailed sample location of a geographic object. It forms a digital point cloud in the computer database to depict the real world features such as buildings, bridges, and trees. Each of the points has its own real world 3D coordinates (x, y, z). The current discrepancy of the LiDAR 3D data capture and design industry is: 1. Hardware equipment of field data collection is very expensive. The major reason of this situation is that only about four companies worldwide manufacture the LiDAR survey or data collection equipment. Their major focus is to improve the accuracy and the precision of the surveying data. The owner ability of ground and tripod based LiDAR equipment worldwide is largely sacrificed. 2. The LiDAR 3D data collection and design industry lacks efficient and widely applied point cloud data processing software. Many large digital point cloud datasets were collected. However, very few accurate digital 3D data model of houses, buildings, and bridges were extracted and generated. Simply there is no effective software to classify the features hidden in the point cloud and extract them to build scaled 3D models to the real world. Development of an effective feature extraction and feature classification software is urgently needed. The
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December 16, 2012 -
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Clarence Center, NYUnited States -
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