2017 November 09
Company Description
Electromagnetic energy harvesting holds a promising future for energizing batteries in electronic devices.
Electromagnetic energy harvesting holds a promising future for energizing batteries in electronic devices. It promises to be the next disruptive technology, leading to substantial changes in the lives of the end-users and tremendous economic opportunities for infrastructure providers, operators, terminal producers and content generators. We wish to gain a major share of this emerging market. Finite electrical battery life has encouraged us to come up with innovative ideas and technologies to charge wireless mobile devices for a continuous period. All mobile wireless devices consume only microwatts to millwatts range of power for their operation in sleep & active modes respectively. We can readily tap into the RF/AC radiated power available in the external environment using a scavenging circuit, (rectenna) and use it to trickle charge mobile phones batteries.
Hardware -
November 9, 2017 -
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8583 Irvine Center Dr, Suite 444Irvine, CAUnited States -
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